Do NOT use any commands unless necessary for staff-related issues. - Staff-related issues refer to situations where a player needs staff help, such as through the @ system "claims", or something else. Things considered as command abuse includes: - Using spectate to locate players , or look through their bases. - Using teleport commands to quickly get around the map. - Using noclip for anything that isn't immediately staff related. Uphold a friendly community. Staff who fight players in chat will not stay as staff. This is not tolerated. - If you find yourself fighting with someone in the chat, immediately disengage, it is not worth the hit to the server image. Remain Non-Biased in all your staffing duties. If for example, your friend breaks a rule, You must still punish them to the same degree you would someone else. Follow the punishment guidelines listed later on this page, do not make up timings.
In the following, Player A will be the inflictor, and Player B will be the victim.Example Situation
Player A is randomly shot by Player B while walking on the street. Player A makes a report to staff. What do you do? Step one: Claim the report that will show up on the top-left of your screen. You can enable your mouse using [F3]. Step two: Teleport to Player A and figure out what happened. You need to be able to judge whether it was a valid RP event, or if it was a random RDM. You can use !logs command to view all recent deaths on the server, and check the chat logs to see the relevant information leading up to the alleged RDM. Step Three: After getting the relevant information from Player A , You need to !goto Player B . When you teleport to Player B , Check he is available for a sit. When you verify he is available, Teleport back to Player A & then bring Player B so you can discuss in depth what happened, and compare both sides of the story. Step Four: Punishments: If you deem player B to be at fault, you refer to the punishment guidelines further on this page.
Specific offences: Prop Abuse: Do not jail, Remove players props & !propban them for 10 minutes. Offensive Names: Do not jail, !forcename them to a suitable name , and then !nameban them for 1 hour . Other Offences: First Offence : Take no action - Let them get away with it once, with a verbal warning. It is a perfect opportunity to spectate that player (out of RP) and keep an eye on them to see if they break the same rule again. If they do, you can immediately move on to punishment by jail, as listed below. I Will be using My STEAMID for the following examples. "STEAM_0:1:109002932" . As all commands are ran through chat, i highly recommend you use players steamid to prevent any accidental punishments happening to unsuspecting players. You can get someones steam id through logs, or through the scoreboard.Jail Timetable
Jail Timetable | Time |
1st/2nd Offence | 3 |
2nd Offence | 5 |
Repeated | 10 |
Ban Timetable | Time |
Mass RDA | 2h |
Server crash attempt | 2h |
LTAP | 1h |
Mass RDA | 2h |
!bring STEAM_0:1:109002932
!goto STEAM_0:1:109002932
!jail STEAM_0:1:109002932 3 reason
!mute STEAM_0:1:109002932 reason
!gag STEAM_0:1:109002932 reason
!kick STEAM_0:1:109002932 reason
!votekick STEAM_0:1:109002932 reason
!spectate (user optional)
!forcename ronny ronan
!ban STEAM_0:1:109002932 1h reason
!unban STEAM_0:1:109002932
!unbanid STEAM_0:1:109002932 1h reason
!exit STEAM_0:1:109002932