By continuing to play on this server you agree to the following rules

Main Rules
Stay respectful of players. Do not harrass or bully in any way

Do not hack or exploit

Do not propspam / propblock / propabuse. Prop abuse is when you use props to ruin peoples play. Do not slam cars with props, block off areas of map or box people in. Prop fly & playing with props IS PERMITTED, as long as you don't piss anyone off

No RDM (Random Death Match)

No RDA (Random Arrest)

Do not advertise other websites / servers

No not LTAP / LTARP (Leaving to avoid punishment / Leaving to avoid RP)

Please try to avoid self supply if another gun dealer is online

You do not need to advert

Government corruption IS allowed. This does not exempt you from RDA,RDM or general minge. Corruption is simply a government member breaking the law or accepting bribes

You can pull out a weapon when being mugged to defend yourself

Do not break NLR (New Life Rule) you may return to the place you died after the active rp event is over. There is no set time limit

Event Rules

Organised Events

PD Raids can be organized between players. You must have at least 3 players to engage a PD raid. Things like Terrorist attacks , kidnappings , Hostage taking, ARE ALLOWED as long as its well planned out, and doesnt involve aimlessly killing people for absolutely no reason. You must have an agenda behind your attack, a backstory. Once it is not a random attack its allowed. Do not repeatedly be a terrorist. 10-15 minutes is required before you carry out another attack.


While you are raiding a base, you may kill anyone within the confines of the base. If raiding is a result of a warrant, you may only arrest everyone within the confines. A raidable is anything that can be used or sold to make money. If it is apparent that no valuables are in a base, you can not raid the base. You cannot steal items vital to fulfilling a job (printers, cigs machine etc.), doing so is considered a fail raid. However, you may destroy them. You must wait 10 minutes after finishing a raid on a base to raid that same base again. Raids can only last up to 5 minutes, so once the raid timer expires all raiders must leave the base. If you die while raiding a base, you can not return to that base to continue raiding or to assist other raiders until 10 minutes have passed. If all raiders die, the raid is over and the 10 minute cooldown begins before you can raid that same base again. No building or locking doors is allowed during a raid. You cannot change job during a raid


Don't kidnap someone and hold them forever. 10 Minutes maximum Dont kidnap the same person repeatedly.


There is no max mugging price, but be realistic You can pull out a weapon on the person mugging you, FearRP is very dumb.


If you failed to read anything above, just know that cooldowns for all RP events against a singular player is 10 minutes.
Building Rules


flashing props are prohibited. You may only base in 1 structure. You may have a maximum of 3 fading doors INTO your base you can have Infinite Fading windows. You are not allowed to build bases in an abnormal way (force jumping, crouching) this does not include areas where the map forces you. You may not create shooting holes where the defender gains an advantage over the attacker. Every fading door must have a corresponding button/keypad visible on same height as player view. Maximum of 2 buttons or keypads per fading door. No fake keypads. You are not allowed to attempt to hide or conceal any keypads or buttons. Keypads that are only reachable by crouching/jumping are not allowed. You may base anywhere in the RP world as long as it does not block off any area or base. You are not allowed to block off the road when building in public. No invisible props are allowed. You must immediately sell your doors if instructed by staff and you currently don't have any props or raidables in the base. You may build in front of your base as long as it is decorative and not blocking it off. You may not build in any entrances or exits to spawn. You must not build anything insensitive or discriminatory on the server.

blacklisted base types:

-Blackout bases -Bases that are seamless, with no sense of direction. -Hitbox abusing -Bases designed to exploit the hitbox system to gain an advantage over players. -Obstacle bases -Bases that require you to jump/crouch. -Mazes. -Drop/Pit bases -Bases designed to trap players upon attempting to raid.


You can build anything you want as long as it does not cause lag to other players, or block streets (50%). Get Creative! Examples of contraptions are but not limited to: Cars, Custom "Casinos", Elevators

All rules are subject to change. Please keep an eye out in the discord announcements channel for any rule changes.

Please use common sense. If you have any questions about a rule, do not hesitate to ask a staff member.